Feb 12, 2012

Common evolutionary processes in science and arts

I think there is an interesting topic re arts, engineering and scientific methods, bodies of knowledge and methods of gaining knowledge, which can both be seen as extension of natural evolution to the cultural domain (in line with Ernst Mach, who extended Darwin's principles of evolution to how knowledge is gained very early after Darwin's publication).

Thinking of writing (crafting) a poem or a novel, it does not seem to be too far away from crafting a technical application or a scientific hypothesis, respectively its proof either through experiment or "logical" derivation. - All of these processes build on accumulation of test cases, sketches, drafts, observations, and trial and error wrt putting the dots together, building connections between "input" and "output".

So, I suspect, principles of tinkering, bricolage and learning by doing, resp. by trial and error to derive some integrative "picture" should be similar in engineering, science and in arts. In all areas these are based on intuition, though I further suspect the rationalization of how insights are gained is different: science and engineering emphasize logical rationalizations, while arts emphasize intuitive, creative rationalizations of how results have been achieved ... and tell their stories accordingly.
A post of mine in a LI discussion in the Scientist Artist Collaboration Group

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